Frequently Asked Questions
Below is a list of questions that I get quite often,
mouse over the question mark for the answer.
Which is Better? Latex or Oil based paint?
Both types of paint have their own attributes; it will depend on what you are painting. Oil based or Alkyd paints have a harder finish, offer better adhesion on most surfaces especially older, chalky surfaces, provide a tighter paint film, can be applied at lower temperatures and have a glossier initial finish. However alkyd base paints tend to yellow, especially lighter colors and whites, they also take longer to dry and clean up with mineral spirits or paint thinner. Latex or Acrylic paints provide a more flexible finish and are better at resisting mildew and retaining color and gloss. Acrylic paints are also easier to clean up, last longer, dry quicker and are more eco friendly.
Do I need a primer?
The use of a primer is never a bad idea but is usually only needed on new or dissimilar surfaces. Primers are beneficial because they help provide a uniform surface that promotes good adhesion of the topcoat. Primers have different qualities then finish paints and can serve a special purpose such as sealing a porous surface, blocking out stains, preventing rust on iron and steel and preventing tannin bleed on wood. Most paints today are considered to be self priming, in other words the first coat will serve as a primer..
Why does this spot keep coming back?
If you have a spot that keeps coming through your finish coat of paint, chances are it is either ink, crayon or a water spot. The spots will need to be primed with a stain blocking primer to keep them from coming through your finish coat.
Do I have to remove wallpaper or can I paint over it?
The good news is that you can paint over wall-coverings which is sometimes quicker and more cost efficient. Check to make sure that the wallpaper is intact and is not coming down or loose. Prime with a specialty primer that offers stain-blocking properties. After priming you can then apply whatever topcoat you choose.
Why can't I clean my walls, Or why does the paint come off when I do?
If you try to clean your walls and the paint comes off this is an indication that there is flat paint on your walls, most flat paints are not washable because they are porous. There are flat paints on the market that are washable but most are not. The one advantage to flat paint is that most of the time it will touch up
How much paint do I need?
To find out how much paint you will need, figure the square footage of the surface you are painting. Measure the Width x Height of the surface you are painting, this will give you the square footage, divide that figure by 300, this is average number of square feet a gallon of paint will cover.
Can I paint my cabinets?
Yes you can, as with any other painting project, prep work is the most important step. To paint over stained or laminated cabinets you will first need to clean them, we recommend a good de-glossing agent as it will also remove any grease or oil, then sand the surfaces to be painted with medium grit sandpaper. Make sure you clean all the dust and residues off before you prime. The primer should be a good specialty primer designed for whatever surfaces you are painting. After priming sand again, clean and apply your topcoat.
Can I apply Latex paint over oil based paint?
No, not directly; You will need to clean the surfaces and apply a coat of oil based primer, then sand and wipe the dust off. Then you can finish with a good acrylic finish coat.
Can I apply oil based paint over latex paint?
Yes. Oil based paints can be applied directly over a latex or acrylic based paint.
Can I just paint over Mildew?
No, it must be removed prior to painting. Painting over mildew with guarantee its return as it will continue to grow under the paint and eventually break through the paint film. You must remove mildew prior to painting. The best way to do this is to use a mixture of household bleach and water, a 3 to 1 mix should work. 3 parts water and 1 part bleach, apply this directly to the mildew and let it set for a few minutes then rinse it with clean water. Make sure the surface is dry before you paint.
How do I get rid of old paint?
Old paint is considered hazardous waste and should be disposed of properly. There are two ways to accomplish this. You can open the can of paint and let it dry in the bucket, once dry you can dispose of it in your trash. If the paint is still in a liquid form you must take it to a hazardous waste facility, usually found at your local landfill.
Why do I get a white powdery film on my hand when I rub the outside of my house?
This is called Chalking and happens when the paint film is breaking down. To remedy this you must remove as much of the chalk as possible, usually by pressure cleaning. If any chalking remains you must prime the surface with a conditioning primer to seal the chalking. Painting over a chalky surface without sealing it WILL result in paint failure.